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CR Assumption題的常見解題策略


同時,假設題並非毫無限制:答案必須是”Within the scope of the argument”,可知正解必須是封閉式的前提資訊。簡單來說,我們僅能以題目原有的前提資訊為依歸進行推理,而不能隨意添加自己的常識與知識來選擇選項。


Economist: The most economically efficient way to reduce emissions of air pollutants is to tax them in proportion to the damage they are likely to cause. But in Country Y, many serious pollutants are untaxed and unregulated, and policy makers strongly oppose new taxes. Therefore, the best way to achieve a reduction in air pollutant emissions in Country Y would be to institute fixed upper limits on them.

Which of the following is an assumption of the economist`s argument?

A. Policy makers in Country Y oppose all new taxes equally strongly, regardless of any benefits they may provide.

B. Country Y`s air pollutant emissions would not fall significantly if they were taxed in proportion to the damage they are likely to cause.

C. Policy makers in Country Y strongly favor reductions in air pollutant emissions.

D. Country Y`s policy makers believe that air pollutant emissions should be reduced with maximum economic efficiency.

E. Policy makers in Country Y do not oppose setting fixed upper limits on air pollutant emissions as strongly as they oppose new taxes.




瀏覽選項時,我們要嚴守兩項思維:1. 封閉式的前提資訊。2. 前提加上這個選項可以得出給定結論。

A. 本題的前提範圍僅在防止排放汙染的議題,跟其他新課稅項目的開放與否無關。

B. 前提是封閉的、預設的線索,題幹內容已規定不能課稅,則課稅能否有效並不在討論範圍。

C. 題目是問設立固定排放上限是不是達到目標最好的方案,而前提告訴我們課稅發法已被排除,因此邏輯題目是在談排放議題下的「方案」。立法者支不支持「議題」則非所問。

D. 本題結論是減少排量有效者之討論而不是經濟上有效率者。

E. 正確;結合前提及本選項:Policy makers不像反對新稅一樣強烈反對為空氣污染物排放設定固定上限,則可確定結論之方案可以實行。

以上為一般的邏輯解法,若在考場有限時間的情況下,不妨使用logical negation(邏輯非),也就說將每個選項肯定與否定做適當相反的改述,若改述後能使整個論述崩潰則為正解(也就是會weaken);但要注意的是,邏輯非是一個數學餘集的概念,而非polar opposite(極端相反),舉例來說,若選項寫:「隕石100%會墜落地球」,邏輯非是「隕石並非100%會墜落地球」(0%到99.999.....%),而極端相反「隕石100%不會墜落地球」(0%)。這點請務必注意。


E:Policy makers in Country Y do not oppose setting fixed upper limits on air pollutant emissions as strongly as they oppose new taxes.

→ Policy makers in Country Y oppose setting fixed upper limits on air pollutant emissions as strongly as they oppose new taxes.


以上是Assumption題的簡略概述,若想了解更多CR題的詳細考點,非常歡迎聯絡Donz GMAT團隊並到教室聊一聊喔!

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